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Fantasy Gaming App for Reality TV

Bracketology offers dynamic fantasy gaming for reality television shows, in one centralized location. Users can play bracket and fantasy sports-style games for any shows that they offer, including The Bachelor Franchise, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Survivor, Big Brother, The Amazing Race, and more. To play the game, users should join a public league, or create a private league and invite their friends.

Add-On for Mobile App Development and Backend Integration

It was our objective to build a mobile application from scratch while leveraging the existing backend infrastructure. Bracketology started out as a website, but slowly there was a need for an application as well. In order to meet the requirements of the new business, the existing backend configuration had to be adjusted. We added certain functionalities to enhance the user experience. Our existing backend configuration had to be modified to meet the new business requirements. At the same time, our responsibility was to rejuvenate the web application in order to match the new design and meet the requirements, while also ensuring consistency with the mobile application.

A mobile screen showing details


The current web application failed to attract a larger user audience due to its lack of user-friendliness, and the actions needed to play the game were somewhat intricate.


To create a mobile application with well-crafted UI designs, enhancing overall user-friendliness. Also, to revamp the web application to align with the mobile application.

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A group of mobile screens

Key Features

Show List

List of shows with the 'Play' button next to the active shows.

Create/ Join a League

Users can create their own league or join any public league or invite-only league.

Invite League

Invite friends to join your league.

Choose Games

Users can choose the type of game they want to play when they create a league.

Make Picks

The user can choose contestants whom they think would advance to the next episode or ceremony for each game type.

A screen showing notifications
A screen showing notifications

Contestant Info

The user can view the biography of any contestant.


Scores for the selected contestant for each game type will be automatically calculated once scores are published.

Scoring Recap

Users can view their scoring details as well as the scoring details of other users in their league.

Role Management

The creators of the league will be the commissioners of that league, who can manage their league settings at any time. Also, they can open the picks at any time after the picks are closed.

Profile Management

Users can manage their accounts.

A mobile screen showing details

Logic + Winning Strategy Game

Bracketology offers dynamic fantasy gaming for reality television shows, in one centralized location. Users can play bracket and fantasy sports-style games for any shows that they offer, including The Bachelor Franchise, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Survivor, Big Brother, The Amazing Race, and more. To play the game, users should join a public league, or create a private league and invite their friends.


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